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Twitter hit with phishing attacks

Hundreds of twitterers that received directions to a funny blog fell prey to phishers that hijacked user account to use them as springboards for other attacks

Web 2.0: When the honeymoon is over

Traditional measurements of success don't always apply in the online world

Facebook bug leaks members’ birthday data

Seven months after the Beacon fiasco, the popular social networking site has botched its efforts to protect sensitive personal data. A Sophos techie discovered the error while looking at Facebook

IT recruitment tips

Try these time-tested techniques for attracting and retaining IT employees.

Justifying social networking paranoia

Facebook Ads and Beacon started us down a slippery slope, and no one knows how far it is to the bottom.

Companies blazing Web 2.0 trails

Portland Trail Blazers fans quickly took advantage of the professional basketball team

Study depicts life without the Internet

Yahoo! Inc. and OMD, a media agency, recently unveiled the findings of an Internet deprivation study examining consumers

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Technology is an over-used word

It seems as if almost everything is a technology – wireless technology, information technology, and more. Do you think that technology is an over-used word? Let’s look at one particular phrase in more detail: emerging digital technologies.
