Blogger Opportunities

Our online publications are a means of bringing together the IT professionals community in Canada. One of the best ways to be part of a community is to engage with it, and blogging is a great way to do that. We are looking for senior-level IT professionals, IT executives, developers and other members of the industry to participate in creating a dialogue.

Writing a blog with us is easier than you think. If you are inexperienced in writing, we will provide complete editorial support including spelling, grammar, and proper formatting. At IT World Canada, we value your reputation as a professional and would never put it at risk by allowing anything to go live that isn’t the absolute best representation of your professional expertise.

If you are wondering what to write about, we will help you by providing suggestions from the editorial team on hot, trending topics that match your own interests and expertise. Need some research? We can help you find the information and the sources you need.

The benefits? You can establish yourself as an expert in your industry. Your voice can be heard. It’s a great way to raise your profile. Our sites get thousands of readers each day and are already optimized for search responses. How many visits you will get will depend on your content, but by blogging on our sites, you will get access to a niche community of readers who share your interests.

Each blog post that is published is also promoted. Have your content appear right next to some of the best technology writers in Canada.

Please send pitches to Jim Love at 

Start today.


Please see additional blogging policies below:

1. Bloggers must represent themselves when blogging. Their opinions and views shared must be their own and not of any other organization or company

2. Promotional material of any kind will not be published by volunteer bloggers. This includes but is not limited to self-promotion and promotion of any product or service of an organization or company they are associated with. For sponsored content promotion services, please contact Darren Snook at 

3. Any material that is deemed by our editor as not being in the best interest of our readers or compromises our credibility as a publication will be edited and communicated to the blogger.