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The work from home experience will be a differentiator for organizations

Organizations can improve their ability to retain and attract talent by offering the right tool set and options for employees to work from home,...

Why you’ll never see continuity planning in the same way again

What improved productivity the most when employees in one government agency began working from home during the pandemic? It was ergonomic chairs and dual screens,...

How COVID continues to influence new online teaching models

Students, educators and parents are having a hard time adjusting to remote education

Looking at videoconferencing options from a CIO’s point of view

The current crisis is forcing everyone, CIOs included, to make fast decisions about things that were previously considered non-strategic, and top of the list these days is deciding on collaboration and conferencing products to connect those now forced to work from home.

ICT spending forecast ‘looks worse now’ than it did last month, says IDC Canada

Canada is looking at an “unprecedented” 5.4 per cent decline for the year for the combination of telecom and IT

Remote work isn’t the only ‘crisis innovation’ that’s here to stay

“Robots don’t have to be in quarantine, so they’re still working,” said a CIO in the oil sector. “It’s battle time,” he said at...

The Princess Margaret launches new remote monitoring system for cancer patients during COVID-19

In order to minimize the negative ripple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the 617 Canadians who are diagnosed with cancer every day on average, Princess Margaret in Toronto has implemented a new virtual care management system.

Over 80,000 people tune into virtual Red Hat Summit, crushing last year’s attendance record

Last year around this time, about 8,900 people gathered in Boston for the 2019 Red Hat Summit. That was a record.

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Staying protected and compliant in an evolving IT landscape

Canadian businesses have changed remarkably and quickly over the last few years. Business leaders across the country have had to address hybrid work, with many...

Thriving amid Canada’s tech talent shortage

With today’s tight labour market, rising customer demands, fast-evolving cyber threats and shifting regulatory requirements, it’s harder than ever to find and maintain all...

ADaPT connects employers with highly skilled young workers

Help wanted. That’s what many tech companies across Canada are saying, and research shows that as the demand for skilled workers increases, hiring good...

Knowing When to Pivot

Tehama, a desktop as a service (DaaS) company, helps enterprises create cloud-based virtual offices, workrooms, and desktops anywhere in the world. The pandemic came...