IT Labour Market Special: What’s hot, what’s not
Employers today are seeking very specific skills and combinations of skills, and they aren’t the same across Canada. What are they? How can you equip yourself for a rewarding career in today’s IT job market? You’ll find the answers to these and many more questions in this “IT Labour Market” resource page we’ve put together especially for you. PLUS, check out the link at the end for our IT Salary Calculator to find out what you’re worth.
IT job market sizzles across Canada
Canada’s IT job market has picked up dramatically and in many ways is reminiscent of the hiring extravaganza of the dot com years.
Employers clamouring for IT-business ‘combo’ skills
Web developers and e-commerce specialists are the hottest positions, accounting for about 25 per cent demand at the national level. That’s one of the key findings of a Canada-wide IT hiring trends tracking report.
Show them the moolah – using IT to make money
For years now, we CIOs have been hard at work consolidating data centers, systems and software licenses. We’ve saved our companies millions. But as the saying goes, “You can’t save your way to greatness.” Greatness in business requires making money.
Bullish job market can be bear for some
Yet another study has come out saying Canadian companies are having trouble finding and keeping good IT people. This time the information comes from a human resources firm which surveyed 232 Canadian organizations.
IT workers: Love them or lose them
There’s reason to believe your small company’s IT professionals might be preparing to move on, a recent survey by IT World Canada indicates.
Immigrants look for chance in IT
The information and communications technology (ICT) industry races against time to avert a looming skills shortage by helping immigrant IT professionals gain access to tech jobs.
Dirty data puts smear on IT
Poor data quality, or dirty data, can affect performance and productivity, especially if business decisions are being based on it.
Also, check out our IT Salary Calculator page for a free download of the 2006 IT Salary Survey Highlights, and to calculate whether your salary is in line with your peers’.