Google delays launch of new AI model Gemini

Google’s highly anticipated AI model, Gemini, has had its launch rescheduled to early 2024, as reported by The Information. This delay, attributed to issues with handling non-English prompts, marks a significant shift from its expected debut in November. Gemini is described as a next-generation, multimodal AI capable of processing and generating various types of data, including text, images, and even website content from sketches or written descriptions.

Despite not being released for public use yet, Gemini is rumoured to significantly outperform OpenAI’s GPT-4, thanks to its superior computing power. Google’s VP Sissie Hsiao has shared insights into Gemini’s capabilities, such as creating novel images in response to specific tasks, a feature distinct from internet-sourced pictures. While Google already has its generative AI model Bard, the launch of Gemini is eagerly awaited and could potentially shift consumer awareness and preferences in the AI landscape.

Sources include: Business Insider

IT World Canada Staff
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