

Data breach affects 4.9M active, retired military personnel

A backup disk containing unencrypted personal data is missing from TRICARE, a health system for servicemen

Facebook users get app to scan for malicious links

F-Secure is the latest developer to offer free security software for social media

Facial recognition security, privacy issues concern FTC

The FTC is holding a workshop to help identify the impacts of facial recognition software on privacy

Privacy Commissioner urges Canadians to lock devices

Findings of a new privacy study by Jennifer Stoddart

Experts positive on Facebook’s new privacy controls

The upcoming changes, which draw inspiration from Google, are long overdue, according to them

UK government social media shutdown talk ends post-riot

The UK government does not appear to continue to support shutting down social networks in times of crisis

Facebook data collection under fire in Germany again

A data protection agency is concerned Facebook is collecting data in violation of E.U. law. Data is sent back to Facebook's servers in the U.S., which the Independent Centre for Privacy Protection alleges violates the German Telemedia Act

Former colleague remembers Mark Vale

The province's deputy minister of government services remembers the late Mark Vale, Ontario

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