

VMworld 2019: day one highlights

VMware opened its annual VMworld conference with a flurry of announcements that spanned the distance from endpoint to cloud.

Canadian customers’ heads are still in the clouds, and so is VMware’s

VMware executives sat down with IT World Canada recently to discuss the company's priorities and the challenges Canadian SMEs continue to face around cloud.

VMware goes on a shopping spree, scoops up Carbon Black and Pivotal for a combined $4.8B

VMware has announced the acquisition of security company Carbon Black and cloud application platform Pivotal Software.

Box announces new set of security controls for the enterprise

The cloud content management firm this morning announced Box Shield, a new set of content security controls for large enterprises.

More than 90% of security decision-makers fail to keep tabs on workloads in the cloud

Executives' desire to not miss out on a competitive advantage is leading to security professionals losing track of workloads on the cloud, according to...

Microsoft’s cloud services strategy paying off, according to Q4 earnings

Microsoft Corp. expanded its partnerships with some key companies in 2019, and Satya Nadella, Microsoft's chief executive officer, attributed the company's strong commercial cloud...

Mastercard and Zoho expand partnership to provide tools on a global scale

After beginning their partnership in India, Zoho Corp. and Mastercard Inc. have announced a partnership expansion to provide Zoho's tools to Mastercard clients all...

We’re going ‘hard’ after Dropbox and Box in the enterprise, says OpenText CEO

OpenText is taking a bigger leap into the cloud with the upcoming release of its Enterprise Information Management (EIM) suite.

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