Shane Schick

Your guide to the ongoing story of how technology is changing the world

Articles by Shane Schick

CIOs describe the ‘perfect storms’ that drove them to cloud computing

Canadian IT leaders may still wonder when is the best time to move off-premise with IT infrastructure. Three of their peers share stories at Microsoft's Virtual CIO Summit

Jack Dorsey: Twitter CEO, Square CEO . . . and possible CIO role model?

IT leadership can be a roller-coaster ride, but there are few careers that have endured the ups and downs of Silicon Valley's latest comeback kid

CIO Census 2015: The best ways to take action on the data

A hand-picked collection of reading, courses, events and other resources that can help IT leaders capitalize on our annual survey research

The following three innovation exercises were all tested by real Canadian CIOs

Our recent CIO Innovation Summit in Muskoka wasn't just a place for keynote speeches and panel discussions. It was where some real brainstorming got underway

6 key takeaways from CanadianCIO’s second annual CIO Innovation Summit

Our recent Muskoka retreat charged IT leaders with exploring the opportunities and challenges around future of work -- and they had lots to say

Is this ‘rule of 10’ a good way to justify the role of a CIO?

A cloud computing firm comes up with some math to suggest how growing companies should think about investing in IT leadership

12 Books on leadership and strategy CIOs should be studying this Fall

The Society for Information Management has pulled together a long list of titles for IT leaders to consider. We go through the first 12 and suggest the rationale behind them

First look: Apple launches the iPhone 6S, iPad Pro, Apple TV and more

The company's 'Hey Siri, Give Us A Hint' event shows off the Mac maker's latest smartphone, tablet, wearable device and updates on the latest apps

Tech News