Canada does its own quiet data snooping: Report
Who’s using spy software on Toronto servers?
“Citizen Lab searched the computer search engine Shodan for Netsweeper installations on networks in Pakistan and discovered Netsweeper installations on Pakistani Telecommunications Company Limited (PTCL),” The Citizen Lab report said,.”The deployment of Netsweeper at the ISP level can potentially result in pervasive filtering across categories as a result of the way Netsweeper works.”
The research organization said that Netsweeper’s filtering services has been used for state-sanctioned censorship in several countries, including Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Yemen.
Netsweeper’s categories include:
• Adult (adult image, alcohol, alternative, criminal skills, extreme, gambling, hate speech, lifestyles, matchmaking, occult, pornography, profanity, substance abuse, weapons)
• Entertainment (arts and culture, educational games, entertainment, games, humour, sports)
• Information (general news, journals and blogs, political, portals, religion, self-help, sex education, social networking, technology, travel)
• Security (adware, directory, host is an IP, intranet servers, malformed URL, phishing, anonymizer, viruses and malware)
• Miscellaneous (investing, job search, sales, search engine, web chat, web e-mail)
• Advanced (general, images, network timeout, network unavailable, new URL, no text redirector page, safe search, search keywords).
• Custom Categories (e.g. extreme sites for racism)
ISP’s and telecoms can chose which categories they want to block and can also manually add URLs, categories and Web sites they want filtered.
Various advocacy groups continue to express concerns about the lack of accountability and human rights violations surrounding online censorship and surveillance practices in Pakistan and other countries.
Citizen Lab and other human rights organizations have repeatedly asked companies whose technologies are being used or modified to conduct these practices, to provide greater transparency around the decisions they make the services they provide.