Uber Set to Launch Audio Recording Safety Features

Uber will introduce an optional audio reporting security feature in three US states to better protect drivers and riders in the event of a safety incident.

Both drivers and passengers can opt for the feature through the Uber app. While drivers are alerted via an in-app banner when the driver is recording the ride, they have the privilege of refusing to cancel the action if they feel uncomfortable with it. While encrypted recordings are stored in the Uber app, users cannot play them. Instead, they are allowed to send them and file a security report if a security incident occurs, which is then decrypted by qualified Uber employees.

Uber had previously rolled out the technology in 14 Latin American countries and has been using it ever since, and said it would use the lessons learned from using the feature in Latin America to ensure privacy, transparency and convenience.

Currently, Kansas City in Missouri, Louisville in Kentucky, and Raleigh-Durham in North Carolina, among others, are benefiting from the feature. Once successful, it will be extended to other states as well.

IT World Canada Staff
IT World Canada Staff
The online resource for Canadian Information Technology professionals.

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