

How SaskPower handled an employee snooping incident

The provincial privacy commissioner largely had good words for how breach was handled. Read why

Why our data access laws need to evolve ASAP

There’s much handwringing around how to implement the perfect laws around virtual property and privacy -- much of it attributed to the virtual nature of data. But much of it is for show?

The real secret to quality application development

There are many compelling reasons to develop a dynamic strategy for test data management, including upcoming legislation around privacy issues, according to a recent ITWC-sponsored webinar

Organizations should help Canadians protect their online reputations, privacy conference told

There's a need to find a balance between giving people control over personal information and other rights, says expert

Do customers truly consent to how businesses use their data? Federal privacy commissioner wants to know

Canada's privacy commissioner has started a national consultation on whether the consent model can be improved -- or if collecting personal data should be banned

Northern Canadian hospital confirms staff wrongly accessed patient records

It was only a scheduling system, but it included some patient health information. The federal privacy commissioner recently had advice on preventing employee snooping

Report: Only half of Canadian businesses are getting hooked on IoT, but those that do see an ROI

A survey commissioned by Telus reveals that successful early IoT adopters decide to scale up quickly

Enterprises should take a step back to decide what Apple vs. the FBI means to them

An IDC security analyst says the situation has become emotionally and politically charged -- but suggests organizations focus on what it means from an IT risk perspective

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Experts sound the alarm on readiness for Canada’s new privacy regulations

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Insider threats: Establishing intent and people-centricity

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