

Firms split on outsourcing development

A study released earlier this month by research firm Ipsos-Reid Corp. predicts that the number of companies that outsource key services in 2003 will decrease in 2005, but that the percentage of spending allocated to outsourcing will increase over this period.

Canadians hold their own when making foreign acquisitions

Contrary to what many people might think, more Canadian companies in the software arena have acquired foreign companies than foreign companies acquired Canadian, according to one industry insider.

Linux for the Real World

Inertia is cited as one of the main reasons why free and open source software (FOSS) has not yet made significant inroads into Canadian enterprises, two industry insiders agreed during a discussion at Real World Linux in Toronto recently.

Mounties claim cybercrime up 65 per cent this year

George Edwards thought his company

Outsourcers eye market south of the border

A recent IDC Canada survey has found that the time is ripe for Canadian outsourcing companies to focus on the U.S. market, as statistics predict a shortage of eight to nine million IT workers globally by 2004.

Cybercrime is on the rise: RCMP

George Edwards thought his company's security measures were top-notch untilnthe day a third-party assessor came in.

Likelihood of ‘cyberterror’ unclear

The majority of U.S. IT professionals responsible for security issues feel it is likely companies will get hit with one major cyberattack within the next year.

Selling South

A bigger investment in U.S. government security means Canadian technology companies that normally supply the Canadian government should consider looking south for new business.

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Enterprise splitting: lessons from Toshiba and others

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