Susan Maclean

Articles by Susan Maclean

Technology races ahead at Montreal Grand Prix

The Formula One Grand Prix won yesterday in Montreal by the two Schumacher brothers Michael and Ralf is as much a race between computer technology as it is between the daring drivers.

Word from the editor

We make security assessments and judgments each time we leave our homes or offices and our cars or bikes. Have I locked up? Is this enough security or do I need an intruder detector and alarm

A competitive Rx

After redefining itself from a wholesale distribution company to a retail service provider, Drug Trading Company Ltd. is now on a massive reengineering course to boost efficiencies and reduce costs for itself and its 1,350 independent and member pharmacies.

Fixing the five most common security gaps

A Silicon Valley communications company with millions of U.S. customers, 175 major locations, 4,500 employees and $80 million in revenue equipped with internet firewalls, anti-virus software and user passwords thought they were secure from computer hackers and Internet intruders.

Handheld devices boost data capture and transfer

How do I get to as many stores as possible? Be as effective as I can in the store? And do it at a cost effective rate that I can bring that value back to my client?

Watertowne hopes to skate on solid ice

Roy Lewis is like an excited, determined hockey player on a breakaway after dodging four defensemen and seeing only clear ice between his stick and the puck in an empty net.nLewis is president and CEO of Airdrie, Alta-based Watertowne Bottling Co., which has about 20 franchisees in Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, and Ontario

Word from the Editor

Bombarded by companies offering state-of-the-art, leading-edge, world-class 'solutions', how do you pick the best IT strategies for your company's competitiveness? There are so many players with compelling pitches!

“If You Build It…”

Moments after setting down his glasses and rubbing his eyes, Bruce Fleming, vice-president and CIO of EllisDon Construction Ltd., sees the humour of his involuntary response to a question about the long working days and weeks during the past 15 months.

Tech News