Robert Ford

Articles by Robert Ford

Where are you getting your advice?

I was at the grocery store recently buying essentials and, at the checkout, I impulsively bought a Canadian fashion magazine for my wife.

Martinis, napkins and IT strategy

"Let us redefine progress to mean that just because we can do a thing, it does not ...

Martinis, napkins and IT strategy

After a discussion with a friend who started a new contract with exciting new technology (the latest Macromedia products to be precise) the above quotation from that movie started to rattle around my head. It took days to figure out where the line came from. The reason why I remember it at all is because it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the movie.

Marketing and sales primer for IT people

As a technology guy who became a business owner, my learning curve about marketing and sales was steep and painful. In my corporate past, the marketing and sales department was steeped in mystery. We IT staffers thought it was magic because all the golf shirts, pens, mugs, etc. came from

Defending my $@!# right to be profane

I tried one of those spam killer programs and it was far more work than just deleting the spam.

Is there such a thing as an over engineer?

I fear the information technology industry is guilty of over engineering systems. (By "engineering" I use the word in the vernacular sense, not the P. Eng. sense; I really don't want those e-mails.)

Applications in humour

This is my first time in the Logging Off section, which is supposed to be about the lighter side of IT. I'm a few issues behind, but the last thing I read was Frank Hayes telling us how not to lose our jobs. But don't hold your breath on this article; it's a serious look at humour in IT.

Competition and data

I have had the pleasure for some time now of trying to set up toll free phone service for my company's sales and support efforts. When I say

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