Michael Martin

Articles by Michael Martin

Wi-Fi to cell roaming still has wrinkles

With Wi-Fi coverage continuing to expand and vendors rolling out Wi-Fi-enabled handsets, many in the IT community are now looking for the inevitable next step


Welcome to the new-look Network World Canada. It

Juniper tightens control over large velocity boxes

Enhancements to Juniper Networks


When Toronto Hydro Telecom (THT) unveiled ambitious plans to roll out Wi-Fi across the city back in March, wireless advocates touted Toronto

How Bell Canada tamed its internal traffic

One of the many network management tools Bell Canada offers as an outsourced service is NetScout

CRTC rules make no sense

It looks like Canadian enterprises (and consumers) will be lining the pockets of competitive local exchange carriers and cable companies with cash for a bit longer than expected.

Time for less regulation

The recently released Telecom Policy Review report promises a better communications environment for enterprises in the near future. While some of the report

SIP wins some big converts

Nearly 100 vendors showcased their latest and greatest wares at this month

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