Michael Martin

Articles by Michael Martin

Net neutrality fight far from finished

Despite the defeat of a 'Net neutrality amendment in the U.S. Congress in early June, the heated debate about whether network operators should be able to charge some Web sites and content providers more than others isn't going away.

No easy solution to ‘Net neutrality fight

Despite the defeat of a

Weaving a more complete resource

Readers may have noticed a few more mentions of our Web site, ITWorldCanada.com, in the last couple of issues. This isn


Network World Canada Editor Mike Martin interviews Mike Volpi, senior vice-president of Cisco

Industry Minister sings right tune

Industry Minister Maxime Bernier went a long way towards clearing up a murky picture when he told the audience at The 2006 Canadian Telecom Summit last month that the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) should regulate the telecom market only when absolutely necessary. While Bernier's message was welcome, the challenge now will be for the government to follow through on its plans. rn

Industry Minister sings right tune

Industry Minister Maxime Bernier went a long way towards clearing up a murky picture when he told the audience at The 2006 Canadian Telecom Summit last month that the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) should regulate the telecom market only when absolutely necessary.

Singing the praises of simple standards

In his column this issue, Frank Dzubeck argues that networking vendors need to work together better.

Food maker finds VoIP palatable

In 2003, Richmond, B.C.-based organic food maker Nature

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