Mark Gibbs

Articles by Mark Gibbs

A virtual PBX and the desire to strangle

There comes a time in every user

What would Machiavelli do?

If you

IT: red in tooth and claw

Where do you place yourself in the IT food chain?

Time for a Web OS?

The idea of a Web operating system has been bandied about for some time, and a few systems are appearing.

Nachruf for DRM

About 20 years ago I went to the Proms, a yearly event at Albert Hall in London where a fairly eclectic selection of music (mainly classical) is performed. That year there was the world premiere of a piece of amazing music I now know is called

What my parents don’t know

Hey Dude! What up? I

Hypersociality, texting and the role of telcos

I understand that most service providers are the same. You can see it is in the provider

Reading by the light of your neighbour’s porch

I am astounded. No, not over Melinda Dolittle getting booted from American Idol (although the gods know that was a bizarre and irritating decision on the part of the great unwashed). I am astounded by things legal.

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