Mark Gibbs

Articles by Mark Gibbs

IT and evolution

We're in a crucial phase in the evolution of IT and we've got to get Darwinian on our old thinking and old solutions

Why you shouldn’t trust your users

A famous experiment continues to show that people are willing to divulge the answers to questions about corporate security in exchange for a chocolate bar.

The IT Curmudgeon speaks out

AT&T's CEO was paid almost $21,000 per hour last year. The Curmudgeon is not pleased

Security through obscurity isn’t safe from Scooby Doo & Co.

Enterprise IT must consider the implications of Microsoft's Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor -- a USB drive that decrypts and analyzes the contents of Windows-based computers -- carefully

Strangers with candy

Your company's security is for sale for the price of a chocolate bar

Support ’em or lose ’em

How are you going to minimize consumers' pain so they stay with you? Because if you don't, some other company will

Opinion: Politics and technology

Over the past 100 years I've been writing this column, readers have sent me several irate letters because they were enraged that I would dare to bring politics into a technically oriented publication. For those of you who feel this way, you might want to stop reading now.

Your Top IT Hates

A couple of weeks back, Mark Gibbs regaled us with his Top 8 IT Hates. Turns out readers have some of their own

Tech News