Glenn Weir

Content writer at IT World Canada. Book lover. Futurist. Sports nut. Once and future author. Would-be intellect. Irish-born, Canadian-raised.

Articles by Glenn Weir

Delivering top-flight educational experiences through digital tech

In early 2020, businesses shuttered their offices and sent employees home to work as a pandemic safety measure. Schools did likewise, morphing into remote...

Post-Covid UC as much about culture as technology

Unified communications (UC) is not new technology. Many businesses were using it prior to January 2020 to help keep their people connected - a...

It’s time to harness AI for business impacts

The concept of a fourth industrial revolution was first introduced a decade ago as “Industry 4.0” by scientists developing a high-tech strategy for the...

A new world of connected and autonomous heavy equipment

In a world that has hit the digital fast track, the industrial sector is looking to connected and autonomous machines to help them perform...

Why there must be a renewed focus on business continuity

For nearly two years, much of the world has been living online - conducting business, holding meetings, educating and being educated, and retaining some...

Goodfood teams up with Microsoft to continue growing without disruption

Virtually every industry had to adapt quickly when the pandemic struck in early 2020. As “essential” service providers, grocery stores were permitted to remain...

Don’t look now, but here comes the future of digital signage

Unless you live in a remote part of the country, chances are fair that there’s a digital sign within a few blocks of where...

Moving past legacy technologies in a digital new world

Although legacy systems may be essential pieces of infrastructure, their maintenance comes at a cost. They are generally complex and by design do not...

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