Frank Hayes

Articles by Frank Hayes

Mastering a manager’s must-haves

Leadership. Communication. Strategy. Diplomacy. Money. Technology. Industry. These are the things IT leaders must master. If you want to make it to the top of your profession, these disciplines are no longer fancy bells and whistles you might add on to your basic IT management functionality. These days, they

Somewhere, Ray Noorda is laughing

Ray Noorda died earlier this month. The news didn

Routed by rootkits

Call it the worst work-around ever. How else to describe the advice from Mike Danseglio, a Microsoft security guru, to wipe and reinstall Windows on any PC infected with an insidious malware known as a rootkit? Danseglio grabbed some headlines this month when he told an audience at the InfoSec World security conference that once a rootkit digs in, there

Learning lessons from Vista delay

Think Microsoft Vista

Hatching IPv6


Getting it right when it comes to IT security

Just when we think Microsoft finally understands the importance of security, we get this WMF fiasco. Here was a situation with all the makings of a catastrophe: a zero-day attack based on a long-standing design flaw, discovered at a time when everyone


Who will survive in IT? That

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