Dave O'Leary

Dave is a founding managing partner of REDDS Venture Investment Partners (www.reddsvip.com). His career in post-secondary education included roles as CIO, Vice-President and acting President. Dave is a member of the Practitioner Board of the Association for Computing Machinery. He chairs the ACM Practitioner Board Marketing Committee and is also a second term member of the Board's Professional Development Committee. (ACM - Association for Computing Machinery--official IFIP international member representative, largest and most respected international computing science, research, education, innovation professional association well known for their AM Turing Award (Nobel of computing) with 1 million USD prize, 1.5 millions user digital library, 2 million reach, learning center, Applicative conference, Queue magazine, 200 conferences/events, 78 publications/news, 37 Special Interest Groups). He is a board director of the Global Industry Council and the immediate Past President of the Canadian Information Processing Society of British Columbia. Dave is co-founder and director of an ISV computer technology business and is currently leading and advising start ups in the USA, China, Europe, and Canada. He serves as a task force member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and is the past chair of the Canadian National Council of Deans of Information and Communications Technology. He served two terms as a director of the Canadian National Information and Communications Technology Sector Council advising on National technology and economic strategy. Dave has appeared as a panel member in a number of Microsoft webcasts and has presented globally on the business and technical impacts of technology in training. He is the recipient (2002) of the highest national award for leadership in post-secondary education.

Articles by Dave O'Leary

The summit of AI for social good

You can see from this brief timeline of the creation of the UN AI for Good Global Summit that AI is gaining momentum in all aspects of our world and in particular in the enterprise. If you are still wondering if your business should start looking at AI and its implications in your space the answer is an unqualified YES.

Time to end the ‘AI: good or evil debate’ and act for good

Let's take the lead of the United Nations when it comes to approaching the uses of AI.

The role of ITU critical to global innovation and sustainability

My hope is that the positive global potential and promise of ICT will continue to deliver.

Prepare your business for the rise of intelligent agents

Intelligent agents are not new. They have been around since the 1990’s. Now these agents, like all areas of technology, are being impacted by the accelerating development of Artificial Intelligence.

The present and future of AI and deep learning featuring Professor Jürgen Schmidhuber

AI is everywhere and the reach and speed of its integration in all aspects of our lives is accelerating. Blogger Stephen Ibaraki sat down with Professor Schmidhuber and discussed the present and future of artificial intelligence and deep learning.

Artificial intelligence: good, evil, or just a great business tool?

Like every major innovation AI can be used for evil as well as for good. But for most businesses, bringing in AI based tools will not be a choice but a necessity.

Design your business critical software to evolve as needed — or accept the risk

Upgrades or changes to such software are expensive and risky, primarily because the software has not been designed and built for ease of change

The fourth industrial revolution: Why your enterprise needs a plan

For Canadian enterprises, governments and NGOs, there is no time left to debate the impact of the technology driven disruption known as the fourth industrial revolution

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