brian bloom

Articles by brian bloom

B.C. to offer e-textbooks to secondary students

The 40 most popular subjects will soon be available online

PC, chip sales in major decline

PC shipments are projected to decline to a level not seen for 11 years, according to an analyst firm

Linux foundation offers UEFI boot solution

A program known as "pre-bootloader" could allow smaller Linux distros to run on the hardware, but not as securely

Layer 7 announces cloud-based API manager is a

Linux skills helping IT job seekers

People with open-source programming language skills are reportedly also in high demand

A chief analytics officer?

Corporate data has grown so much that somebody needs to be in charge of it, say vendors and analysts

The special breed of data scientist

The reason for the shortage of qualified data scientists is the rare combination of qualities needed for the job

Fake followers and real profits

The real meaning of Facebook marketing success is how well you engage customers, not how many of them "like" you, according to a PC World article

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