Deeper Dive

Season 3: The Metaverse

Who will finance the building of the massive computer infrastructure? Who will drive the innovation necessary to create these new virtual worlds? There is foundation already built and some might argue that the metaverse is already here. Yet there is still a massive amount of development and innovation to truly deliver on the vision. Join us for a “deeper dive” into the metaverse in this amazing 5 part series.


Jim Love

Season 3: The Metaverse

Deeper Dive: The Metaverse: Episode 5 – Future Proofing and Resource Guide

In this episode we explore the near-term future of the metaverse and what we need to be doing to understand it in our current...

Deeper Dive: The Metaverse: Episode 4 – The incredible world of Second Life

In this episode we look at a first and long running virtual world which has been going on for almost two decades – Second...

Season 2: 5G

Deeper Dive 5G: Beginning With the End in Mind: How to Prepare for 5G (Episode 5)

New technologies follow a predictable pattern, and 5G is no exception. Foretelling disruption will not prevent it from happening, but it will buy some...

Deeper Dive 5G: Making a Difference Right Now: Real World Examples of 5G (Episode 4)

With 5G still in the early days, it’s easy to dismiss it as just another generation in a technology evolution that began with 1G...

Season 1: Deeper Dive

Deeper Dive: Ready, Set, Go (Episode 5)

Following a brief refresher on classic scenario planning, hosts Jim Love, CIO of ITWC, and Doug Sparkes, a lecturer at the Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business, riff collegially on how to avoid functional fixedness while identifying and developing scenarios.

Deeper Dive: Freeing the corporate imagination (Episode 4)

Amit Majithia, Vice President and Country Head for Wipro Limited Canada, joins co-hosts Jim Love, CIO of ITWC, and Doug Sparkes, a lecturer at the Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business, for this podcast episode that delves deeply into back-casting and other techniques to help organizations prepare for an uncertain future.


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