ComputerWorld/Network World Canada Live Tour


ComputerWorld/Network World Canada Live Tour half-day events happen across Canada and focus on delivering IT information and best practices. We delve straight into the issues and challenges you face as an IT professional and offer in-depth analysis and advice to help you in your job.

Would you like to attend a session?
Click here to request an invitation. Your free registration includes full access to the session and a complimentary breakfast.

Recent Sessions

IBM – Web 2.0 and Social Networking: A Social Phenomenon That Has Become a Business Consideration
February 20, 2008 – Toronto, Ontario
Click here:

IBM – Best Practices for IT/Business Alignment
January 30, 2008 – Edmonton, Alberta
Click here:

IBM & CISCO – IP Telephony: Driving Business Value through Innovation
September 11, 2007 – Toronto, Ontario
May 31, 2007 – Calgary, Alberta
October 25, 2006 – Montreal, Quebec
October 19, 2006 – Ottawa, Ontario
October 17, 2006 – Toronto, Ontario
Click Here

IBM – Going Green – A Comprehnsive Approach to Energy Efficiency
September 13, 2007 – Vancouver, British Columbia
August 22, 2007 – Ottawa, Ontario
Click Here

IBM & SAP – Service-Oriented Architecture
December 7, 2006 – Toronto, Ontario
Click Here

Who would you like to see interviewed? On which topic? Drop us a line at with your suggestions.

James King
Events Sales Manager
416-290-0240 Ext. 268