Yogi Schulz

Yogi Schulz has over 40 years of Information Technology experience in various industries. Yogi works extensively in the petroleum industry to select and implement financial, production revenue accounting, land & contracts, and geotechnical systems. He manages projects that arise from changes in business requirements, from the need to leverage technology opportunities and from mergers. His specialties include IT strategy, web strategy, and systems project management.

Articles by Yogi Schulz

Is your project red, yellow or green?

A well-conducted review can be an excellent way for a project manager to engage management in addressing project issues

You’re not the only executive frustrated with the lack a simple security plan for your business

Need help in establishing a strategy? Here are some tips

How to be a winning project manager: Manage up and out

The answers to these questions will help determine if you are a manager or an administrator

Loser project managers manage down and in

Too many project managers become immersed in the tactical details of their project. Try this six question test to see if you're one of them

Enterprise IT versus Home IT

Telling managers why enterprise IT and home computing aren't the same thing takes patience and diplomatic skills

Why delivering IT is no game

Don't deal with problems one at a time. IS has to be a valuable partner in advancing the business plan

Why you need visual analytics

Improving data management processes and applying visual analytics software are the solution to squeezing business value from big data.

Shaky mobile apps kill customer engagement

Building apps for smart phones and tablets requires attention to new considerations to achieve success.

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