Stephanie Overby

Articles by Stephanie Overby

How to run IT like a business

You can't throw a rock in technology circles these days without hitting some soul sounding off about the importance of running IT like a business.

India sees IT wages rise

Good news for India's programmers: more rupees all around.

Can’t we all just get along?

In the summer of 2002, the accounts payable department at Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. faced a full-fledged financial crisis.

Bundle with care

You get what you pay for. And sometimes, when there's extra goods and services bundled into a contract, you get more than you bargained for - and a bigger bill to boot.

The future of jobs and innovation

CIO U.S.'s Stephanie Overby offers two possible scenarios depicting what could happen to IT career opportunities in the future

41 business units, 9 CIOs, 1 standard

Like many companies today, Textron Inc. is undertaking a consolidation. And as with all such efforts, it is fraught with political risks and leadership challenges. But at Textron, a US$10.7 billion global enterprise with 41 business units under its roof, the difficulty of balancing the closer alignment of IT services systemwide with the disparate business needs is truly daunting.

Tips on better insourcing

Michael Palmer faced an extreme situation last year. The COO (and former CIO) of Allied Office Products...

India to adopt data privacy rules

Two powerful players in India's outsourcing industry are drafting a data protection law designed to quell growing privacy concerns from their offshore clients.

Tech News