Scott Bradner

Articles by Scott Bradner

On-line shopping becoming a serious force

I was listening to one of the local news shows last night. The news anchorman told his listeners that this Christmas season will be a

A Real bad example

It would have taken a lot of hard work to have created a better bad example.

IBM settles on impure education

In a distant lifetime, I did a few years of part-time teaching for the IBM Corp. internal education organization. The job paid well and got me to a number of places I would not have considered going otherwise. IBM is now trying to minimize its need for people like me.

How Big Is the World?

An undergraduate student told me last year that

IP phone or Internet phone?

IP telephony was all the rage at NetWorld+Interop

Where Now for the IETF Standards Process?

A reporter interviewed me last month for a publication that covers the traditional telephony world.One of the questions I was asked went along the lines of:

Reinforcing paranoia

The saying goes:

Too bright a light?

It seems like there is a December tradition among various publications to issue predictions for the year ahead. Now as we reach the end of the 20th century, predictions for the 21st century are starting to show up. I wonder if the prophets are going to be able to see past the Internet

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