Rafael Ruffolo

Articles by Rafael Ruffolo

Symantec software snafu could set precedent

The security firm's decision to compensate 50,000 Chinese users who lost data via a faulty Norton antivirus update may have an impact on other vendors, Canadian experts said. Just don't expect a cash payout or a day in court

RFID system devised to track conference attendees

Alberta-based Database Information Services (DBiTS) is testing a radio frequency identification device (RFID) system that tracks and stores conference registrants

PCI DSS Assessors

Visa, Mastercard could withdraw service, analyst warns

Retailers face deadline for security standard

Credit card firms are giving merchants until June 30 to comply with PCI DSS, which is designed to protect users from online theft. Teranet discusses what it had to do

IDC: Canadian security market will reach $1B

Competing analyst firm calls forecast "awfully high"

Project management tops CIO’s demands

HP study says 25 per cent of IT work delivered late

Flextronics buys Solectron

Electronics equipment maker chasing Foxconn, analyst says

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