Rafael Ruffolo

Articles by Rafael Ruffolo

Grand & Toy gets business performance clarity

How an office supply retail chain is using corporate performance management application to track pens, pencils and more

Canadian IT ‘on demand’ market badly in need of a boost

The dust on the publicity around utility computing seems to have settled, and the industry is finding that the hype has yet to move to the realm of reality.

HP executive outlines green strategy

John Grey, chair of HP

HP exec puts his energies into conservation

The chair of the vendor's Environmental Strategy Council hosts a roundtable in Toronto to talk about his goals, changes in customer attitudes and the future of power savings

SMBs get Express security

Websense has released a new security product that it claims is specifically designed to respond to the security needs of the small and medium sized business.

E-mail hoster grapples with storage issues

Canada's Ceryx promises to take companies' Exchange problems away from them, but now it's dealing with a problem of its own: the capacity requirements that come with 10MB spreadsheet attachments

Fear, greed, lust: Phishing’s sure-fire lures

A report from McAfee outlines the persuasive "mind games" cyber criminals play to get users clicking their way into an IT security breach. Experts discuss the right way to train your staff

Tech News