Peter Wolchak

Articles by Peter Wolchak

Joy jaws about java and jini

Bill Joy is 44. So far, he has been the primary force behind BSD Unix, co-founded Sun Microsystems, designed the Sparc microprocessor architecture, created Sun

Nortel goes overseas to side-step labour shortage

Nortel Networks decided in 1989 that it needed to quadruple its sales figures, but the task force...

The Joy of Java and Jini

Interview with Bill Joy"With open source, you're reduced to labour as the only means of advancement, because ...

Looking for professional development? Look at CIPS

It seems Stephen King loses again.I'm on a plane, heading back from the CIPS-sponsored Informatics 1999 IT conference in ...

Making the sale

Sales force automation, step one: put aside processes, software selection and business data, and concentrate instead on...

ROI Is Central, But Try To Have Fun, Too

IT people are constantly being told, "It's not about the technology; your job is to deliver bottom-line...


Sun CEO Scott McNealy is a funny guy, and he didn't disappoint the crowd at his recent ...

So who

E-commerce is sexy. All those dollars spinning across the Web - who doesn't want that? Contingency planning,...

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