Paul McNamara

Articles by Paul McNamara

When a cell phone goes through the washer

Don't panic if your phone goes through the wringer with your clothes. But the dryer will prove fatal

Insert a smiley here

I recently had a pleasant e-mail chat with Carnegie Mellon computer science professor Scott Fahlman, in which he speaks of how his

How to avoid hiring local

Watch the video posted to Buzzblog and keep it in mind the next time you hear a high-tech industry titan such as Bill Gates complain that he simply cannot find qualified American employees, therefore the country needs more H-1B visas.

Why isn’t Singapore caning spammers?

Not that I believe in caning spammers, mind you, at least not in the literal sense (if we

Do we really need a security industry?

Security expert/pundit/provocateur Bruce Schneier, always entertaining, had one of those

A recipe for overkill

The Internet Home Alliance, having already needlessly networked our laundry rooms, will soon unveil its grand vision for

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