Mark Gibbs

Articles by Mark Gibbs

Enter infamous last words

Yes indeed, one's final words can be profound ("Friends applaud, the comedy is finished," Ludwig van Beethoven, March 26, 1827), witty ("I should never have switched from scotch to martinis," Humphrey Bogart, Jan. 14, 1957), or poignant ("All my possessions for a moment of time," Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1603).

Let’s do IT with a dongle

If I build something physical, say a chair, and you steal it, I have lost the benefit of my labour.

Activating a new catastrophe

I want to discuss a disaster Microsoft Corp. is creating for us in the name of preventing theft of its intellectual properties.

Ants and privacy

It is amazing how something one values can be effectively eroded by thousands of tiny attacks.

IT will never be the same again

After the appalling World Trade Center attacks we can be certain life will never be quite the...

IT, users should learn to be nice

I have a theory. The major reason why there is often great tension between IT and the user population is because users don

PC ignorance

Asides in my last column have generated a lot of e-mail. (

Viruses rely on dumb exploits

"Hi! How are you? / I send you this file in order to have your ...

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