Lynn Greiner

Lynn Greiner has been interpreting tech for businesses for over 20 years and has worked in the industry as well as writing about it, giving her a unique perspective into the issues companies face. She has both IT credentials and a business degree.

Articles by Lynn Greiner

Building diverse teams is more than a checklist

It's easy to talk about the necessity of having diverse teams, but it's a lot harder to actually create one. During this panel, moderator...

SAP talks supply chain, culture, sustainability at Sapphire Now

While there were product announcements at SAP's annual conference, Sapphire Now, two major focuses were sustainability and supply chains, and the people and business processes operating behind the scenes.

SAP focuses on sustainability, merges business networks

Over the last year, Klein said that SAP has been listening to its customers and learning how they are coping. Three key insights emerged.

Green Software Foundation aims to help the ICT sector reduce greenhouse gas emissions

In an effort to combat the runaway emissions, at the Microsoft BUILD virtual conference last week, Microsoft, Accenture, GitHub, and ThoughtWorks announced that they have teamed up as founding members of the Green Software Foundation

Microsoft Build announcements at a glance: Azure, Power platform get major updates

At Microsoft Build, Microsoft made more than 100 announcements, including new features and functions aimed at providing that help to developers. Here are some highlights

IBM Think 2021 at a glance

IBM Think goes virtual - again This year's version of IBM Think, like most other conferences, was virtual for the second year running. This time...

A snapshot of Collision 2021

For the second year, the Collision conference had to pivot from a live event to a virtual one, welcoming 38,039 attendees from 141 countries to its proprietary online platform. Here are snippets from a few of the sessions that caught our attention.

Dell Technologies launches APEX, announces Equinix partnership

Dell Technologies APEX will be the overarching branding for Dell's entire portfolio of as-a-Service and cloud offerings.

Tech News