Liam Lahey

Articles by Liam Lahey

Assume you

Enterprises must make a conscious decision about what information we

The cybercrime game has changed: Symantec

The cybercrime industry is adapting and utilizing the same technologies and

Canadian IT security practices conflict: survey

After malware, the top issue for Canadian government and enterprises is device theft and loss, unauthorized access to data by employees, and bots. Why insider threat is the biggest concern

Pricey ThinkPad TransNote a market leader: analyst

Aiming to dazzling office professionals from physicians and attorneys to the financial sector IBM Corp. has released...

A day in the life of a CPO

The federal government has mandated that all Canadian enterprises have a CPO, but there are no guidelines and no training courses to teach an aspiring individual the privacy ropes.

The politics of outsourcing

Increase performance, decrease funding, let the IT guys handle it.Does this sound familiar? If it does, the outsource deal you cut a few weeks...

CAD users of the world unite and define a standard

A CAD (computer-aided design) system can be a godsend to some, and a curse to others.

CAD users of the world unite and define a standard

A CAD (computer-aided design) system can be a godsend to some, and a curse to others.A godsend...

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