Kevin Tolly

Articles by Kevin Tolly

Does the operating system used matter anymore?

With desktop market share still ranging from miniscule to small, relatively speaking, there

Pillars of VoIP service- bandwidth, architecture

For all of the high-profile

Low-tech, high-tech crime

I recently read a

Vetting back-up services: meet standard SAS 70

SAS 70 is an internationally recognized auditing standard developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). An SAS 70 audit or service auditor

Third-party services can complicate data security

It is difficult enough to protect data when one has complete control over it. With the surge in popularity of third-party online back-up services, how will that complicate an already-complex issue?

Trying to get around the ever-ubiquitous Microsoft

Notwithstanding the fact it will be many years before very many corporate users might be able to work in a “Microsoft-free” environment, there appears...

Paying a gigantic price for

Of the many things we can be thankful for, one is the knowledge that we won

The IBM PC father: Remembering Don Estridge

While many of us remember the "Steves"

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