Johna Till Johnson

Articles by Johna Till Johnson

The spectrum allocation dance: What’s new

The endgame is having Google in total control of the infrastructure, without officially being a carrier itself, and therefore not subject to 'Net neutrality regulations.

Don’t trust Google on Net neutrality

On Planet Google, what

Security services could be expensive

Security is gradually morphing into an overall

Aligning business aims with your IT initiatives

How many times have you heard that IT needs to be aligned with business? If there was a mantra of the past decade, surely this was it. And who can argue with the concept that IT and business need to be in alignment to ensure that IT investments pay off in the form of tangible business benefits?

Virtual workers on the rise, study says

You may have noticed a subtle but significant change in your organization over the past few years. I'm talking about the increasing shift toward a virtual workplace in which employees and their bosses (or peers) operate out of different geographies. If you're in Dallas, your boss is in Denver and your colleagues are in Detroit -- you're a virtual worker

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