joab jackson

Articles by joab jackson

Oracle adds new installer, failover to Windows MySQL

The MySQL Enterprise Edition has been updated with new features to make it more alluring to Windows shops. How they work

Extend TPC-E benchmark to database availability: Microsoft

The software giant plans to argue at the TPC conference next week that the Transaction Processing Performance Council should add an additional metric for availability to its set of database performance benchmarks

NoSQL offers users scalability, flexibility, speed

User case studies at the NoSQL Now conference show in San Jose, Calif., this year illustrate how NoSQL is being used in enterprises

‘NewSQL’ could combine best of SQL and NoSQL

A database pioneer argues the best of SQL and NoSQL could be combined to form a new database system

VMware now offers a developer edition for cloud service

VMware has packaged a free developer edition of its Cloud Foundry platform-as-a-service stack to run on a single computer

HP offers integrated management for IT services

Multi-Supplier Integration (MSI) will provide CIOs and other business managers with a uniform way of evaluating the quality of their IT services, as well as a process to quickly restore services to operations should they fail

Survey: Millennials okay with fixing their own gear

Despite all the concerns with "bring your own device" trends, IT support staff could get a helping hand from their youngest clients, a Bomgar survey finds

Dell sells preconfigured Hadoop system

Dell will start selling servers preloaded with the open-source data processing platform in recognition of Apache Hadoop's growing presence in the field of data analysis. It

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