Greg Meckbach

Articles by Greg Meckbach

Route faxes using bar codes

FACSys 5.1 from emFAST is designed to send incoming faxes to the correct recipients through barcode recognition. It targets companies concerned that a confidential fax could end up in the wrong hands.

How healthy is your service-oriented-architecture?

IBM has created Infrastructure Architecture Healthcheck for SOA, a service designed for companies who plan to install SOA or who already have it and want to add more features.

IBM offers SOA tools to help detect fraud

As part of its service oriented architecture strategy, Big Blue has announced WebSphere Business Events, which lets managers trigger alerts to certain activities. Early adopters speak up

A smart phone with high Web surfing bills

ComputerWorld Canada reviews the HTC S720 smart phone, which is available in Canada through Telus Mobility. Find out the pros and cons of Office Mobile.


The NetEconomy Financial Crime Suite is designed to help prevent employee fraud, while the Silver Seal mouse can be washed in the dishwasher. Find out what

The Demo: Vitrium Docmetrics

This product lets you set up your e-commerce site so you can track PDF files for leads. Documents can be uploaded such that readers must enter their name and contact info before reading them.

Be kind, rewind: CDP as a way to save your data

EMC Corp., Archiware and TimeSpring Software Corp. are all making investments in continuous data protection technology products. What to do when backups are not enough

Work without all the noise

SuperServers now have Whisper Quiet Workstations, with low noise fan speed controls. Find out what SuperMicro Computer packs into these machines.

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