Gregg Keizer

Articles by Gregg Keizer

No patch for Excel zero-day flaw next week

Microsoft will deliver three critical security patches on Tuesday but there's still no fix for Excel vulnerability being exploited by attackers now

Safari 4 matches Google Chrome, overruns Firefox, IE8

The public beta of Apple's Safari 4 is in a dead heat with Google Chrome but beats out the latest version of Firefox and Microsoft's Internet Explorer 8 in a recent JavaScript rendering test

Vista anti-crack campaign resumes

Microsoft re-launches its program to sniff out pirated software by feeding Windows Vista Ultimate users with and update that targets 'SoftMods'

Hackers jump on latest IE7 bug

Attackers are using recently patched Internet Explorer 7 flaw to hijack PCs

Apple co-founder shakes booty in ‘Dancing with the Stars’

Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple puts on his dancing shoes as one of the 13 celebrity contestants battling for the top price in the reality TV show Dancing with the Stars which pairs actors, singers and former sports star with professional dancers

Slash Microsoft bugs by 92 %

The vast majority of Microsoft vulnerabilities could be avoided by stripping users of administrative rights, according to a manufacturer of enterprise rights management software

Internet Explorer market share continues to slide

Microsoft's IE bled market share again last month while Apple's Safari outpaced the growth of Mozilla's Firefox for the third time in a row

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