Danny Bradbury

Danny Bradbury is a technology journalist with over 20 years' experience writing about security, software development, and networking.

Articles by Danny Bradbury

Privacy survey is a wakeup call for CIOs

Evolving consumer attitudes threaten data collection programs of businesses. Here’s what firms can do to win back customer trust

Cirius offers secure messaging to global CIOs

Hush-hush email approach plays to increasing corporate security concerns

Improving customer experiences, CIO-Style

Customer experiences can often be mediocre, because companies aren’t looking at them holistically. CIOs can help

Wizeline offers baby steps approach to software product management

Software teams can evaluate where they’re spending their development dollars with this product intelligence system

Wearables won’t wait – But will CIOs bite?

Microsoft’s HoloLens looks incredible. Fitness bands offer real-world benefits. How can CIOs use them?

Why HP is pushing for mobility in the enterprise

HP is selling enterprise-focused business devices because the consumer market is slowing down

SOTI EMM offers low TCO for enterprise devices

SOTI wants to make it cheaper for you to manage your enterprise devices – and it’s thinking about more than just smart phones

HP: Big data will help CIOs run a tight ship

Big data could help to tighten up internal IT operations before it revolutionises the broader business, say HP experts

Tech News