Dan McLean

Articles by Dan McLean

Homegrown OS helps servers heal themselves

Computing with the power of self-healing could be just what the doctor ordered for many businesses. It comes with a

Like a car, your website needs a regular tune-up

“Set it and forget it,” is definitely not the way to think about your business’s online presence. A successful Web site, like a...

Be vigilant about your Web presence or suffer

“Set it and forget it,” is definitely not the way to think about your business’s online presence. A successful Web site, like a...

When it comes to IT, stick to what you know

If they had to do IT all over again, some companies might decide not to do it themselves. It

In-house IT: Small firms might consider a divorce

If they had to do IT all over again, some companies might decide not to do it themselves. It

Tips from a techie troubleshooter for the masses

Richard Sherman is a geek - a

ITs the Rx to cure what ails the health care sector

Dr. Roger Stronell gets IT. He sees the power of information technology in health care. He continually seeks ways to use IT to improve patient service delivery and enhance the productivity of doctors at his clinics.

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