Clare Haney

Articles by Clare Haney

How the Net can help place 700,000 chicken wings

You're a business with a major problem. You have 700,000 frozen teriyaki chicken wings already branded for...

Informix to lay off nearly 500 employees

U.S. database and tools vendor Informix Corp. is to lay off nearly 500 employees, a spokesman for...

Oracle’s Linuxization of software almost complete

Oracle Corp. is close to having its entire software portfolio running on Linux, with Wednesday's announcement that...

Informix’s latest revamp all about simplicity

This time, troubled U.S. database and tools vendor Informix Corp. has got its turnaround strategy right, according...

Oracle unwraps skills exchange

Oracle Corp. announced the start of registration for its worldwide skills exchange, one of several new features...

Interbasae spinoff appears unlikely say execs

Inprise/Borland Corp.'s, of Scotts Valley, Calif., commitment to spin off its InterBase database business to new entity...

IBM fleshes out

IBM Corp. executives this month put more meat on the bones of the company

Sun talks up newest version of its OS

While Microsoft Corp. preaches the reliability and scalability of its upcoming Windows 2000 operating system, Sun Microsystems...

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