Douglas Heintzman and Alexis Pappas

***The Chief Catalyst at the Blockchain Research Institute, Douglas Heintzman is a technology strategist with over 30 years of experience. He is a consultant, advisor, and host of the Soveren Privacy Impact podcast. He was the vice president of strategy at Insolar, a massively scalable DLT platform. He is past chair of the selection committee for the NSERC Synergy awards of Innovation, former practice lead for innovation and disruptive technology at the Burnie Group and former head of technical strategy at IBM Software Group. *** A life-long fascination with our evolving future led strategist and writer Alexis Pappas into the world of disruptive digital transformation. With a background in energy innovation, hydrogen power and blockchain, she focuses on how the convergence of emerging technologies can support better ESG across industries. As the Executive Director of the Canadian Blockchain Association for Women and a Director of the Canadian Blockchain Consortium, she believes that inclusive change is the key to sustainability.

Articles by Douglas Heintzman and Alexis Pappas

The metaverse and the carbon economy

As more and more of the real-world economy shifts into the digital virtual world, the issue of the carbon impact of the metaverse and its various services will become more and more pressing.

Tech News