Brett Winterford

Articles by Brett Winterford

Fujitsu fights reseller warranty claims with silence

Imagine the anger you could feel as a reseller if you had lost millions of dollars of business due to a flawed series of hard drives

IDC: Software vendors get cozy with integrators

Enterprise software vendors and systems integrators are looking to form stronger relationships in order to meet customer needs, according to a new report released by research group IDC.

New UK PC brand lands in Australia

Hi-Grade Ltd., one of the U.K.

Clear Vision: The network management nirvana

In theory, network traffic management software should withstand just about any downturn in the economy. In times of booming sales, IT budgets expand and more dollars are spent on expanding an organization's IT infrastructure. However, in times of lower economic activity (like the current one we're hoping we're seeing the tail end of), IT budgets shrink and network administrators are told to do more with less.

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