Self check out being phased out by major retaillers

Remember when self-checkout kiosks were the future of retail? Turns out, that future might be shorter than we thought. Major retailers like Target and Walmart are rethinking their approach to these systems, with some even phasing them out.

Target is now limiting self-checkout to ten items or less in some stores. Walmart has gone a step further, removing them entirely from select locations. It’s not just a U.S. trend; British grocery chain Boots and Dollar General are also stepping back from self-checkout.

It turns out these kiosks are a shoplifter’s dream. According to a Lending Tree survey, about 20 per cent of shoppers have accidentally stolen items during self-checkout, and about 14 per cent did it intentionally. The complexity of these systems often leads to unintentional theft.

Contrary to expectations, self-checkout hasn’t cut costs. Employees frequently need to assist customers, diverting them from other duties and increasing labour costs. The high installation costs of these kiosks haven’t translated into the anticipated savings.

While 60 per cent of consumers preferred self-checkout in 2021, frustration and negative experiences are now leading to disenchantment with these systems.

As the retail world reevaluates the role of self-checkout kiosks, it’s clear that this futuristic solution isn’t as problem-free as once thought.

Source include: Gizmodo


Jim Love
Jim Love
I've been in IT and business for over 30 years. I worked my way up, literally from the mail room and I've done every job from mail clerk to CEO. Today I'm CIO and Chief Digital Officer of IT World Canada - Canada's leader in ICT publishing and digital marketing.

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