Bell in the News

A selection of articles highlighting Bell’s activity over the last year on our site. At the end of this pagebook, you’ll find relevant metrics including time on site and the number of visitors.

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Article Pageviews Avg. Time Spent
Hyundai and Kia will use Bell’s wireless network to offer connected services 1,208 0:01:26
Bell launches LTE-M network targeting IoT devices 1,216 0:01:33
Bell broadens partnership with Microsoft Azure services 1,010 0:02:25
Bell MTS deal approved by federal regulators  1,197  0:01:19
Bell the first in North America to offer Quad Band LTE speeds 1,462 0:01:45
Bell partners with Samsung to integrate advanced messaging for Canadian smartphone users 1,454 0:02:01
Bell’s cloud strategy focuses on network strength to deliver ‘one portal to rule them all’ 1,354 0:02:35
