IBM – Green IT – Cost Saving Strategies

June 24, 2008 – Vancouver, British Columbia

By now you’ve heard all the arguments about why you should be concerned about energy consumption — the health of planet; energy demand outstripping the supply; and, the business impact of escalating operational costs on the bottom line. Whether motivated by the bottom line or concern about the planet (hopefully both), IT leaders can play a key role in reducing the organization’s energy consumption.

This session was about why you should develop an energy management strategy for IT, it’s about how to go about doing it. The focus was on pragmatic, cost-saving practices with a direct and tangible bottom line value and explored:

  • Ways to make the use of energy across the whole IT infrastructure visible and measurable
  • Understanding technology’s total cost of ownership (TCO), including energy use and disposal costs
  • How to make your data centre more efficient
  • Virtualization and server consolidation
  • Power management tools and management practices to reduce energy consumption at the desktop
  • Acquiring more efficient technologies
  • IT the good – using technology to improve energy efficiency and reduce costs across the enterprise
  • Winning executive support
  • Ensuring your energy strategy has a positive impact on your brand

John Pickett
Vice President & Community Advocate
IT World Canada

Featured Guest:

David Rogers
Technology & Agricultural Specialist
BC Hydro Power Smart Engineering