Disaster Recovery – Can we Really Trust the Cloud?
Now Available On Demand!
Disaster Recovery and Business Resumption are on the minds of CIOs of companies of all sizes. Companies can no longer afford service interruptions. Plus, the potential of the cloud to offer a realistic and affordable backup and recovery service is compelling.
But as much as CIOs are highly interested, they have questions.
How do I prepare a plan? Where do I store it? What about Data Sovereignty? Can Cloud providers guarantee the security and privacy of my data? How do I deal with the need for local access to my backups if that should be required? Is automated failover possible? Can I count on it? Lastly, what assurance do I have that my backup solution will run when I need it?
Join us along with Dave LeClair, Vice President Product Marketing, Unitrends as our special guest for this exciting webinar on a very timely topic. You’ll get the answers to all of these questions and more. In our interactive format, you’ll be able to ask questions of your own.
As an added bonus for all participants, you’ll get some “take home” information on best practices and free access to templates that not only help you prepare your disaster recovery plan – they give you a place to store it for access in the event that you need to put it into place.
Jim Love
Dave LeClair
Vice President Product Marketing
Unitrends |
Note: This webinar took place on Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 1PM ET.