Calling all Canadian CIOs:
We are pleased to invite you to be a panelist on CIO Canada’s Spring Roundtable, where we will discuss topics around the theme: “Leadership for a new decade.”
There will be no public participation in the event, but highlights of the discussion will be published in the June issue of CIO Canada. With the exception of the event sponsor, no vendors will be invited to the roundtable.
The roundtable will be held on Wednesday, May 12, from 8:30 a.m. until noon, followed by a light lunch. It will take place at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, 141 Saint George St., Toronto.
Participation will be limited to a maximum of 9 senior IT executives, selected on a first-come-first-served basis. Those who have taken part in our roundtables in the past have found them to be excellent opportunities to network with peers and exchange valuable insights. I hope you can join us.
Please contact Ankoo Batra at (416) 290-0240 to confirm attendance.
Shane Schick
IT World Canada
(416) 290-0240 ext. 349