Victoria Berry

Articles by Victoria Berry


Former Corel head Dr. Michael Cowpland is taking his love for Linux to the next level

Banking goes live on wireless devices

As the financial sector gets ready to embrace the wonderful world of wireless, Canada's Hometrust Co. is...

IT Veterans Take Life by the Horns

Empty nests can be very good things, especially for IT executives. By the time people reach the...

Use your phone to bank over the Web

As the financial sector gets ready to embrace the wonderful world of wireless, Canada

Use your phone to bank over the Web

As the financial sector gets ready to embrace the wonderful world of wireless, Canada


IBI has created a two-way wireless communication street that requires virtually no training, according to Keith Gile.Gile,...

IT not attractive to teenage girls

There are many theories about why more women are not enrolling in IT courses in Canada, but...

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